- Abraham Knowledge Site - an introduction from channel Esther Hicks with additional material at sun-angel.com
- Academy for Future Science - research organization and source of The Keys Of Enoch: The Book Of Knowledge by J.J. Hurtak
- Derek Acorah.org - famous British spirit medium, clairvoyant & fortune teller
- The Afterlife Experiments - double blind research by Dr. Gary Schwartz
- Afterlife-Knowledge - "The truth about life after death"
- Amaritha - channeling via Elena Diana
- George Anderson - grief support program from this accomplished medium
- Angelic Inspirations - includes material from angel books by Rose Schwab
- After-Death.Com - reports of direct contact from a deceased family member or friend, without the use of others
- Agni Yoga - overview from Spiritweb plus Nicholas Roerich Museum and Helena Roerich
- Alexander Material - from a discarnate spirit teacher who has been channeling through his human host, Ramón Stevens
- Rosemary Altea - famous author of Proud Spirit and other works
- Archangel Raphael - channelings about awakening, love, and Joy.
- Arton New Age Page - articles, free books, well annotated Channeling Booklist
- The Ascended Master Network - Ascended Masters, teachings, karma, reincarnation from Church Universal & Triumphant also see
- Disengaging Church Universal and Triumphant - a critical view
- Sylvia Browne.org - some short excerpts from her books here
- Laurie Campbell - spiritual medium featured on HBO Life Afterlife
- Center for Soul Evolution - includes free intuitive guidance - Ask Antera Edgar Cayce Official A.R.E. Web Site - with no channeled content
- Ken Carey Books - brief critical aclaim of his many books
- Channelling links from newagepage.com
- ChannelRing - a web ring group of over forty channeling sites, see also Open Directory and Channeling.net for link lists
- Christmas in the Trenches - lyrics of this popular channeled song also here
- Church of the White Eagle - based on Grace Cooke's work
- Conversaions with God - book's official site by Neale Donald Walsch
- Course in Light - channeled by The Order of Melchizedek thru Antoinette Moltzan (Toni)
- A Course in Miracles - ACIM, background material and resources
- ACIM Current Workbook Commentaries - full text of workbook lessons
- Principles of Miracles - attributes of Miracles within the context of the Course
- Marianne Williamson's Official Web Site
- Miracle Studies - a Course in Miracles site in Australia, also in Britain
- JohnEdward.net - after death communications-also here
- Elaria - messages from a highly evolved spirit Light guide/angel who is channeled by Moonsnake
- Virginia Essene - author of "You Are Becominge A Galactic Human" et al
- Great Dreams - nice link list for channeling
- The Greater Community Teaching - via Marshall Vian Summers
- I Am America - tapes of channeled prophecies from Lori Adaile Toye
- Iasos - explains core concepts of channelers, compares 3rd vs 4th density and lists Hot Links
- Jerhoam - "The Teacher From The Light"
- Kuthumi - teachings of the Master Kuthumi as channelled by Ruth A. Craig
- Robert James Lees - a historical site about the life of this medium
- Lucis Trust - based on the Arcane School teachings of Alice Bailey
- The Mediumship of George Valiantine - intricate discussion of his abilities
- MessagesFromBeyond - spirit-side communications after the passing of the author's wife
- TheMichaelTeachings.com - channeling by Stephen Cocconi of The Michael Teaching, a Channeled Philosophy
- NewReligiousMovements - academic background and classification of New Age groups
- Noahs Ark Society - promoting physical mediumship-series of articles
- OAHSPE, A Book Of Kosmic Knowledge - and anti-Oahspe
- Orin and DaBen - Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
- 1,000,000 Paranormal Links - section on edgar cayce
- QuanYinSpeaks - learn about Quan Yin via Reverend Charlotte Tinker
- Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - home of J.Z. Knight happenings
- The Realms of the Universal Healing Energies - Wolf Khan channeling
- Kevin Ryerson - popularized by his involvement with Shirley MacLaine
- Ron Scolastico - Los Angeles channel, author and counselor
- The Seance Website - by Suzane Northrop, medium to contact those that have passed over into the spirit world
- Spirit of Maat - online community by Drunvalo Melchizedek
- Spiritualism.org
- National Spiritualist Association of Churches and NSAC News
- Saint Germain Foundation - source of Guy Ballard "I AM" books
- Soul Journey - info about and from Angels Akasha and Asun
- Spiritual Awakenings - L'Éveil Spirituel
- Spiritualist Directories - lists of churches and mediums
- Spiritualism - a profile of beliefs and groups
- Spiritualism - Amish to Zoroastrian...religion and spirituality on the web
- The Spiritualist Religion Page
- The Stars Still Shine - Michael via his psychic father-in-law, Robert Murray
- Tanika.com - excerpts from "Death: The Beginning"
- ToDanceWithAngels - by Linda Pendleton, biographer of and now channel for Dr. Peebles
- William Rainen and Doctor Peebles - long-standing source of spirit wisdom
- Language of the Heart - Summer Bacon channeling Dr. James Martin Peebles
- Trance Channeling Connection - info about trance research and entities
- Spiritualism, Spiritualist and psychic sites
- A lawyer argues the Case for the Afterlife - by Victor Zammit, a detailed study of what happens at death
- The Swedenborgian Church - also see info on Swedenborg Periodicals
- Swedenborg Foundation - publishes works of Emmanual Swedenborg
- Trancenet.org - cult awareness and support for "those in recovery"
- Twintrees - new site called Ahhhmuse.com
- Urantia Foundation - publishing head office for the Urantia book
- World of The Spiritwalker - channeled and inspired writings concering Native American spirituality
- World Channelers Directory - listings from spiritsearch
Important Note: due to the close relation between channeling and contactee communications, be sure to visit our Contactee area
Channeling: The Process
- Channeling FAQ - a detailed discussion with links on the nature of channeling
- Channeling Glossary - an extensive list of terms defined
- Channeling Rules of the Road - list of tips from Allan Kardec
- Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science - full download of early work by Nandor Fodor
- A Short History Of Spirit-Channeling
- The Mediums' Book (acrobat format) - Guide for Mediums and Invocators by Allan Kardec [full text] or browse excerpts here
- What is Channeling? (newage.com)
- What is Channeling?
- What is Channeling?
- St. Germain About Channeling
- Channeling as Method for Self Discovery
- Channeling - A Natural Skill Easily Learned
- First Spiritual Temple - explanatory material from Christian Spiritualist Church
- Mishlove interviews - Arthur Hastings and Jon Klimo
- Nature of Channeling
- Noahs Ark Society
- Physics of Trance Channeling
- How to Channel Links - from SpiritWeb
- Metaphysical Bookstores List - Links to book sites by category
Channeled Content
- Channeling Examples - a few samples from well-known U.S. Channels
- Channeling Anthology on September 11 - 9/11 channeled collection
- Aaron - several books via Barbara Brodsky from Deepspring
- ACIM Current Workbook Commentaries - full text of workbook lessons
- Angelic Messages - shares messages received from the angels
- Answers From The Lord Maitreya - based on questions from readers
- Archangel Gabriel - several transcripts via Robert Baker
- The Ascended Master Network - teachings of the Ascended Masters from Church Universal & Triumphant
- Ascension.net - includes both Channeled and Ascension Articles
- Ascension Research Center - pages of Ascended Master quotes prepared by students
- AskAlana - over 1000 pages of answers from Alana via Sandy Breckenridge
- Cassiopaea.org - "Messages from Cassiopaea, channelling, Armageddon, Quantum Future" from the Perseus Foundation
- Edgar Cayce Readings - index to text of many readings from AUM~Sparky
- Edgar Cayce CDs of readings - Mac CD Windows CD
- EdgarCayce.org - transcriptions of Cayce on various topics
- Celestial World Mission - classic received through James Padgett
- Channelings - a major Australian archive of over a dozen channels
- Channelings From Around The World - nice variety from many sources
- Concept:Synergy - includes the Lazaris public library of channeling via Jack Pursel
- Conscious Creation - Becky Burke and Kristen Fox channeling their "higher" selves (Gradius and Ragon)
- Cosmic Internet Academy - received teachings from Jasmuheen and others
- Cypress Online - psychic digest dedicated to seth matrial and consciousness
- The DOMA Way - full text of the book
- Doors of Peace Channelling - from Phillip Brown and Louise Tincombe
- Elias related Information - extensive transcripts from Gerhard Fuchs
- EmmanuelAndFriends.com - selected quotes channeled by Pat Rodegast
- Energy Channelings - a potpourri of material from many sources
- Flower of Life - Abby Haydon channeling the Assembly of Light
- Foundation for "A Course in Miracles" - ACIM Articles
- Gaelic Manuscripts - full length book via Betty White
- Gibbon's Channeling Research Site - a variety of channels represented
- Golden Eagles - original channelings from Kuthumi and other sources thru Aisha
- TheGroundCrew.com - Valerie Donner, The Great One, and Earth Changes
- CarrieHart.com - excerpts of channeling from Quado in "There is a Garden"
- The Hilarion Page - material as channeled by Jon C. Fox
- Hilarion - over two dozen chapters via Andrew Buttner
- House of Light - dedicated to ascension and ascended master channeling via Jaraya and Sel-en-a
- Kirael's Inward Portal - includes transcript excerpts via Rev Fred Sterling
- Annie Kirkwood - messages from Mother Mary
- Korton - four chapters from spirit via Susanna Thorpe-Clark
- Kryon - includes samples of recent channeling
- Life After Death - excerpts from The Next Life by C. C. Zain (a born clairvoyant)
- Lord Maitreya - channeled material from a World Teacher via Margaret Birkin
- Direct From Spirit - more channeling from Margaret Birkin at Karinya
- Mahatma.co.uk - channelings by Kathleen Murray, John Armitage, Brian Grattan, and many others
- Marcia's Garden of Light - channeling by Marcia Wilson
- Maitreya.org - full text of several dozen discourses and lectures
- MasterDK.com - an archive of dozens of monthly lessons from the Master Djwhal Khul via Kathlyn Kingdon
- Metatron - channeled articles and more Metatron Channelings
- Michael Teachings - resources, channeling, and spiritual teachings of the entity Michael, see also the FAQs
- the Nvisible: Solara & 11:11
- Orvotron - archive of newsletter that ceased web publication in 1994
- Path Of Light - a full length book by Emanual via Gerrit Jahn
- Service and Servitude - by El Morya via Tuieta
- Seth Network Intl - Jane Roberts channeling & Seth Material & Seth's Concept
- About Seth and Seth Quotes - biographical info, book recaps, letters & FAQ
- Seth Codicils and Library Information - plus concordance & webring
- Seth and Jane Roberts - a bookstore and audio collection
- Share International Foundation - includes channeling from Benjaman Creme
- Paul Solomon Foundation - including a bio of Paul Solomon
- SpacesBetweenThings - Ray Donnelly and Rosalie Miles
- Spirit Teachings - full text of this classic work through William Stainton Moses
- Spiritual Connection - answers to life's big questions via Daniela, Gerrit Jahn and others at Channeling.net
- Spiritual-Endeavors - varied noteworthy archive for channeling
- Joshua David Stone - also see his Corner on SpiritWeb
- Tatiachas Spirit Nexus - a multifaceted resource site including spirit messages and an audio library
- Teachers-of-Light - sells the transcribed lectures of Yada di Shi'te via Mark Probert
- The Teaching - a trilingual presentation of this book length work through Kathleen Long in New Zealand ( also at SpiritWeb)
- Teachings of the Clear Light - five books by Thespian Michaels & Esmi Fernau
- The Urantia Book - the full text on-line
- Vibrani's One Source - from E. Nora Amrani and other contributors
- Wirral Light Cirlcle - channellings from Bartholomew, Sananda, Ashtar and others plus ascension and ET material
- A World of Compassion from Majahnae and Spirit - spirit channelings (200k+)
- World Light Center - material on Seth, ascension
- Zareth's Teachings - several dozen channelings on many topics
Smaller collectons:
- 2012 Unlimited - ascension, prophecy, alternate realities
- Abigail - insights on life's most significant dilemmas
- Archangel Michael - channeled messages of Love, Inspiration, Faith, Hope, Wisdom and Truth via Carolyn Ann ORiley
- ArchangelAriel - (and others ) via Isaac George
- Ascension Transmissions - via Karen Danrich 'Mila' and Thomas Weber 'Rama'.
- Awakening Rainbows of Light - travels, episodes & Archangel messages
- Beacons of Light - reminders from home, channelings from The Group via Steve Rother
- Blue Rose Productions - Orpheus Phylos channeling, prophecy from Archangel Michael
- Channeling and Channeled Materials - via Marina Michaels
- ChannelingSpirits - (and its sister site) full of material from Lysa Moskowitz Mateu including audio
- Christah - Gateway to Oneness
- Council of Love - 13th octave channelings through Linda Dillon
- Crimson Circle - a collection of channeling from Tobias
- Joseph Dreams Channeling Directory - material by Al Bouchard
- Earth Changes Weekly - by Peter P (suspended) includes channelings
- Chris Hamilton - Australian channel for Astara
- Inspirations from the Light - from Yeshua, Anthony and Aloria through Diana
- InwardJourney - archives monthly lessons from Salem via Diandra
- Sam Johnson - friend of Bigfoot (site includes some channeling)
- Light messages from Johannes - modest collection of transmissions
- Lightsmith - Earth Mother channeled by Michele Mayama including audio
- Ellen Meredith Channeling - author of Listening brings wisdom from The Council
- Melora - messages of light through Jyoti-Alla-An as published in Sedona
- Mona Rolfe - a small collection of channelings
- Mystic Planet Presents Channeling - from a variety of popular channels
- Osirians - multidimensional beings from the Sirian star system
- Pathwork - Eva Pierrakos interview and quotes
- Revelations of Awareness - some free issues of Cosmic Awareness newsletters
- River of Inspiration - mix of channeled and inspirational writings
- School of Living Light - a long page of excerpts from Ortan via Lita de Alberdi
- SherrySherry - transcripts of channeled sessions by Sherry Smith
- Spiridex - from Ascordia Center via Amy Bortner
- The Temple Of Truth And Light - ISIS site with material from different sources
- United Circle Of Light - hear from God, Ariel, Lord Maitreya, John, the Earth, Mylorian, and more on all kinds of topics
- Veronica's Corner - trance channeling from Veronica
- Visitations Excerpts - deep trance samples from Rainbow Lady ( Donna Kinniburgh)
- Wisdom from the Light - light warrior Tehannah mixes art with two messages
SpiritWeb Channeled Archives - sorted by channeler or by subject
- Ascended Masters - an overview with links to channeled articles
- Connecting Link - a collection of excerpts from this print magazine
- Earth Changes - a full length channeled book by Tom Smith
- Relationships of Transformation - a full length channeled book by Bill Davidson
- Toraya Ayres - counselor for interspecies and interdimensional understanding
- Celeste & Jananda - channelings from John, Josephus, Kuthumi, Kwan Yin, Monka, Sananda, Soltec, Wind of Change, White Eagle, more
- Diandra - founder of Inward Journey channels a universal consciousness
- Caroline Fitzgerald - counsellor & channeler of Ascended Masters
- Abby Haydon - channeling the Assembly of Light (also at spiritualguidance.com)
- Ronna Herman - cosmic telepath channeling Archangel Michael
- Lisa Holloway - a channel for Hilarion
- Donna Kinniburgh - trance medium channeling "Reflection"
- John Payne - messages from his spirit guide Omni
- Polaris Writings - from a cosmic, centralized and evolved Intelligence
- Julie Presson - doorways to knowledge "carried to you on the wings of the servents of God, the Angels"
- Andrew & Lillian Whalley - two UK channels that focus on ascension topics
- Adamski Foundation - official site of the first published contactee
- Abduction and Contactee Messages - an analysis of common factors
- Aetherius Society - UFOs, Yoga, and Channeling by Sir George King.
- Alien Eyes - includes a book called "The Mission of the One Star". More material on Spiritweb as Alloya Ye Ra Har - the spirit name of Nikki Huckfield
- Allies of Humanity - full text of this book by Marshall Vian Summers
- Arcturians - an overview from SpiritWeb
- Norma J Milanovich Ed.D. - "We, the Arcturians" summary, Celestial Bodies and Entities, other messages
- Are you a Starseed or Contactee? - UFO contactee/starseed profile list
- Ascension2000 - from contactee David Wilcock
- Ashtar.org - Ashtar Command channeling through Soltec
- The Ashtar-Command - an overview from SpiritWeb
- Ashtar-Command - channeled by Dana Summer from Spiritweb
- AshtarCommand.net - smaller site, has some interviews
- TheashtarCommand.com - includes bbs
- Galactic Server - more material from the Ashtar Command and reports of physical contact
- Orvotron Newsletter - a long sample of Ashtar channeling
- Star Esseenia Temple - another home for Commander Ashtar
- Starfleet A.C.F.R - home of Ashtar Commander Lyur
- Astara.org - "Dedicated to elevating the consciousness and health of humankind," based on teachings of Earlyne & Bob Chaney
- Bashar - Darryl Anka's extraterrestrial channeling, a must read, core concepts as well as many tapes and additional files on SpiritWeb
- Blue Star Speaks - "channeled teachings from a Pleiadian theta master"
- Channeled Information - a political hotspot, a place for discernment
- Elan - profound insights from the Essassani civilization via Andrew
- Flying Saucer Religion - two cases studies, a more academic outlook***
- FromElsewhere - article about walk-in book by Scott Mandelker plus an interview
- HeavensGate replica site and Links
- Lyssa Royal Holt - and more at SpiritWeb and RoyalPriest.com
- Interdimensional Doorways and Starseeds
- Intergalactic Anthropologist - by Marcia Schafer blurbs and introduction
- International Raelian Religion - contactee site based on beliefs of Frenchman Claude Vorilhon
- Sam Johnson - friend of Bigfoot (site includes some channeling)
- Birgit- Kein - Danish voice of interplanetary Federation (as Archos) and ascended masters on SpiritWeb
- L/L Research - contactee research by James Allen McCarty and Carla
- Rueckert, Law of One article and sample
- Lia Light - Pleiadian material from Lia Shapiro including an article on SpiritWeb
- Lightwork - the way to integrate other realities, ETs, walk-ins, starseeds
- MARK-AGE Period and Program - Preparing for the Second Coming
- Nibiruan Council - learn about the flagships of the council and their involvement in Earth's history
- Only Planet of Choice [800k] - transmissions from The Council of Nine through Phyllis Schlemmer [also available in Polish]
- Planetary Activation Organization - Galactic Federation rundown from Sheldan Nidle
- Reptillian TransMissions From Alpha Draconis
- Semjase Silver Star Center - a multilingual site in Switzerland by Billy Meier
- Billy Meier Web Site - by an authorized Los Angeles chapter of FIGU
- UFO - The Pleiadian Mission - by Randolph Winters. UFO from the Billy Meier contacts from the Pleiades.
- Barbara Marciniak - links to Pleiadian material and book
- Who are the Pleiadians and Barbara Marciniak? - an interview about the Pleiadians from the 'Codings' tape
- P'taah and Jani King Online - Pleiadian contact with sample transcripts and more at SpiritWeb
- Pleiadians - overview from SpiritWeb
- Quantum Awakening - Pleiadian energies via Gillian Macbeth-Louthan
- Yvonne Moore - channeling from masters and space commanders
- Starbuilders - from walk-ins Aldin and Malchora
- UFOmind: Contactees - excellent link list of contactee resources
- UNARIUS Academy of Science - founded by Ruth and Ernest Norman
- Walk-ins.com - experiences, articles, conferences and newsletter
- Claire Watson - channels members of an intergalactic consortium, but mostly Solon Centurion
- ZetaTalk - a Zeta emissary, Nancy. tells us of a Pole Shift and the coming millennium transformation